CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Middle-Atlantic, Year 2016

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2016
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added E-Book Total Vol. Total Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Columbia, Starr East Asian 3,802,367 483,510 348,649 134,118 1,067,326 35,433 2,636,854 3,704,180 13,580 98,187 23.49
Cornell 726,248 431,580 180,913 23,983 726,089 17,763 0 726,089 3,109 159 0.00
Georgetown 67,461 30,665 24,128 6,517 62,266 2,148 0 62,266 9,652 5,195 1.00
Library of Congress 3,090,979 1,198,981 1,222,627 310,733 2,945,566 36,817 31,377 2,976,943 14,659 114,036 47.59
Pennsylvania State 46,376 27,741 13,348 1,268 42,357 1,864 238 42,595 46 3,781 2.00
Pittsburgh 1,030,356 307,810 140,219 18,545 483,178 3,039 526,836 1,010,014 754 20,342 10.90
Princeton 978,512 575,317 220,097 37,442 832,856 15,249 92,496 925,352 2,813 53,160 18.82
Number of Institutions: 7 9,742,299 3,055,754 2,150,011 533,440 6,159,638 112,313 3,287,801 9,447,439 44,613 294,860 103.80

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.