CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in South-Atlantic, Year 2021

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2021
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added E-Book Total Vol. Total Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Duke 372,424 77,737 102,402 35,072 337,214 5,315 12,000 349,214 866 23,210 6.00
Emory University 165,574 42,596 10,921 4,115 162,678 941 0 162,678 309 2,896 3.00
Maryland 226,789 62,005 83,176 11,472 157,998 51 69 158,067 157 68,722 4.30
North Carolina at Chapel Hill 219,092 186,247 9,966 3,837 201,143 1,074 3,029 204,172 7 14,920 3.00
Virginia 158,598 59,745 21,538 4,507 152,768 468 330 153,098 574 5,500 2.00
Number of Institutions: 5 1,142,477 428,370 228,003 59,003 1,011,801 7,849 15,428 1,027,229 1,913 115,248 18.30

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.