CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in East-North-Central, Year 2017

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2017
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Chicago 931,824 526,667 252,370 90,790 869,827 14,356 3,422 61,997 14.20
Illinois-Urbana 377,590 250,447 97,598 28,741 377,590 9,760 459 0 2.60
Indiana 340,488 169,730 86,041 25,015 332,956 4,109 2,589 7,532 7.20
Michigan 954,698 475,396 330,238 64,277 869,911 17,089 5,186 84,787 17.00
Northwestern University Libraries 96,257 30,962 28,147 1,780 91,833 5,305 64 4,424 4.75
Notre Dame 36,956 28,322 7,167 1,467 36,956 3,835 0 0 1.00
Oberlin College 62,817 27,533 5,732 22 60,833 947 95 1,984 3.00
Ohio State 385,272 153,402 146,116 9,540 309,058 -8,009 1,210 76,214 6.85
Wisconsin-Madison 363,431 201,518 91,567 8,133 354,402 9,479 5,867 9,029 3.83
Number of Institutions: 9 3,549,431 1,872,637 1,048,456 230,173 3,303,366 56,871 18,998 246,065 60.43

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.