CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in East-North-Central, Year 2021

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2021
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Illinois-Urbana 389,608 255,592 101,623 30,184 389,053 7,937 907 555 3.95
Indiana 352,428 175,417 90,900 26,619 346,124 2,535 2,687 6,304 6.40
Michigan 1,036,165 505,722 353,896 88,064 947,682 18,765 5,566 88,483 11.00
Northwestern University Libraries 106,334 34,473 29,879 2,317 101,943 808 1,589 4,391 1.75
Notre Dame 39,581 30,187 7,662 1,732 39,581 860 0 0 1.00
Oberlin College 69,806 33,425 6,185 95 67,667 2,470 40 2,139 2.00
Ohio State 1,426,104 157,323 149,752 11,329 368,836 23,275 1,466 1,057,268 9.10
Wisconsin-Madison 463,952 233,239 106,054 9,284 453,216 27,629 300 10,736 7.50
Number of Institutions: 8 3,883,978 1,427,358 846,677 169,750 2,714,102 84,279 12,555 1,169,876 42.70

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.