CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Middle-Atlantic, Year 2017

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2017
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added E-Book Total Vol. Total Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Columbia, Starr East Asian 3,804,274 490,772 356,950 142,368 1,092,739 25,432 2,619,130 3,711,869 11,850 92,405 24.13
Cornell 743,120 440,026 185,020 25,872 743,120 17,031 0 743,120 2,446 0 7.80
Georgetown 77,069 32,021 24,785 6,757 65,097 2,831 0 65,097 207 11,972 1.25
Library of Congress 3,163,647 1,258,296 1,234,336 319,426 3,027,342 83,968 0 3,027,342 9,735 136,305 47.59
Pennsylvania 316,871 198,215 101,263 11,501 310,979 8,212 0 310,979 2,313 5,892 5.75
Pennsylvania State 49,086 28,443 14,216 1,300 43,959 1,604 238 44,197 46 4,889 2.00
Pittsburgh 520,888 309,844 140,790 19,031 486,622 3,444 6,012 492,634 762 28,254 11.10
Princeton 1,363,301 586,019 224,994 40,796 851,809 19,078 457,795 1,309,604 2,827 53,697 18.33
Number of Institutions: 8 10,038,256 3,344,048 2,282,504 567,475 6,621,667 161,600 3,083,175 9,704,842 30,186 333,414 117.95

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.