CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Middle-Atlantic, Year 2018

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2018
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added E-Book Total Vol. Total Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Columbia, Starr East Asian 3,927,235 506,605 365,080 151,347 1,127,785 35,062 2,697,247 3,825,032 12,096 102,203 23.69
Cornell 759,718 448,355 188,986 27,696 759,718 16,598 0 759,718 2,882 0 8.49
Georgetown 75,142 33,187 25,466 7,037 67,224 2,127 120 67,344 92 7,798 1.25
Library of Congress 3,185,902 1,275,832 1,245,445 326,572 3,061,992 41,238 0 3,061,992 15,840 123,910 49.11
Pennsylvania 324,090 201,975 104,130 12,656 318,761 7,782 0 318,761 2,360 5,329 5.25
Pennsylvania State 46,707 28,885 14,436 1,345 44,666 707 1,533 46,199 46 508 2.00
Pittsburgh 517,809 311,306 141,257 19,394 489,019 2,426 6,012 495,031 580 22,778 11.10
Princeton 1,790,719 596,521 229,713 45,308 871,542 19,733 864,610 1,736,152 2,764 54,567 18.33
Number of Institutions: 8 10,627,322 3,402,948 2,314,583 591,627 6,740,707 125,673 3,569,522 10,310,229 36,660 317,093 119.22

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.