CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Middle-Atlantic, Year 2019

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2019
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added E-Book Total Vol. Total Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Columbia, Starr East Asian 3,960,324 520,787 372,009 159,072 1,157,746 30,036 2,699,839 3,857,585 12,102 102,739 23.78
Cornell 780,257 461,597 192,621 28,969 780,257 20,539 0 780,257 2,742 0 8.49
Georgetown 76,555 34,073 25,909 7,325 69,266 2,042 120 69,386 49 7,169 1.00
Library of Congress 3,322,224 1,287,253 1,258,672 337,175 3,100,850 40,317 0 3,100,850 54,542 221,374 49.41
Pennsylvania 334,226 206,773 106,999 13,654 327,426 8,665 12 327,438 2,420 6,788 4.50
Pittsburgh 520,419 311,306 141,257 19,394 489,019 0 6,012 495,031 580 25,388 11.10
Princeton 1,885,433 611,402 234,606 47,382 893,390 21,848 936,704 1,830,094 2,340 55,339 18.14
Number of Institutions: 7 10,879,438 3,435,763 2,332,205 613,195 6,817,954 123,447 3,642,687 10,460,641 74,775 418,797 116.42

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.