CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Pacific, Year 2016

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2016
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added E-Book Total Vol. Total Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
California, Berkeley 1,348,524 590,212 416,719 112,550 1,143,157 21,453 114,856 1,258,013 2,599 90,511 18.30
California, Irvine 142,388 72,366 29,533 14,101 116,000 1,162 22,211 138,211 145 4,177 2.26
California, Los Angeles 907,555 357,790 206,376 67,500 687,803 11,987 98,823 786,626 1,560 120,929 10.45
California, Riverside 97,899 49,539 6,170 2,750 75,224 1,669 19,809 95,033 215 2,866 0.00
California, San Diego 330,744 72,388 70,703 8,199 207,934 5,532 106,404 314,338 695 16,406 8.70
California, Santa Barbara 239,179 115,837 57,124 2,193 177,194 1,979 57,125 234,319 1,735 4,860 2.70
Claremont Colleges Library 47,610 29,790 11,957 1,177 46,739 1,098 496 47,235 154 375 1.55
Hawaii 427,803 169,531 142,496 77,129 389,156 6,729 7,873 397,029 2,417 30,774 8.92
Oregon 99,162 51,135 43,375 2,505 97,015 1,196 0 97,015 176 2,147 0.00
Southern California 243,163 73,800 68,956 86,619 229,375 12,487 0 229,375 0 13,788 15.00
Stanford 1,604,501 437,161 246,153 68,441 838,418 23,108 722,207 1,560,625 2,228 43,876 19.80
Washington 771,708 308,320 162,693 137,471 649,241 11,994 68,108 717,349 1,954 54,359 19.91
Number of Institutions: 12 6,260,236 2,327,925 1,462,281 580,753 4,657,256 100,394 1,217,912 5,875,168 13,878 385,068 107.59

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.