CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in South-Atlantic, Year 2019

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2019
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added E-Book Total Vol. Total Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Duke 396,929 72,869 100,359 30,676 325,219 9,495 11,783 337,002 571 59,927 7.10
Emory University 166,146 40,171 10,848 3,610 159,648 984 4,007 163,655 307 2,491 3.00
Maryland 157,781 61,907 83,101 11,443 157,770 3,759 5 157,775 177 6 5.30
North Carolina at Chapel Hill 215,597 183,449 9,609 3,620 197,739 4,035 2,975 200,714 136 14,883 4.86
Virginia 157,579 59,289 21,117 4,348 151,732 901 330 152,062 582 5,517 2.25
Number of Institutions: 5 1,094,032 419,517 229,226 54,527 992,108 19,174 19,100 1,011,208 1,773 82,824 22.51

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.