CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in East-North-Central, Year 2016

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2016
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Chicago 909,248 518,958 248,172 88,341 855,471 15,838 3,705 53,777 13.80
Illinois-Urbana 367,846 245,002 94,877 27,163 367,846 9,503 459 0 3.00
Indiana 336,140 167,434 85,158 24,235 328,847 3,733 2,598 7,293 5.50
Michigan 937,187 467,449 324,552 60,821 852,822 16,439 5,100 84,365 14.50
Northwestern University Libraries 90,406 29,325 26,409 1,288 86,620 4,391 72 3,786 5.00
Notre Dame 33,121 25,695 6,122 1,304 33,121 5,658 0 0 2.00
Oberlin College 59,918 26,841 5,627 17 59,918 2,044 0 0 3.00
Ohio State 395,194 166,294 147,612 9,323 323,229 26,479 1,276 71,965 5.96
Wisconsin-Madison 359,598 196,745 89,454 7,902 344,923 11,802 19,973 14,675 3.70
Number of Institutions: 9 3,488,658 1,851,975 1,031,521 220,792 3,252,797 95,887 33,183 235,861 56.46

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.