CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in East-North-Central, Year 2019

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2019
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Chicago 962,963 550,445 259,875 95,756 906,076 15,953 3,426 56,887 14.00
Cleveland Museum of Art 3,397 1,197 846 964 3,007 419 0 390 0.00
Illinois-Urbana 383,515 251,689 98,960 28,918 381,221 3,631 1,622 2,294 5.00
Indiana 348,071 173,180 89,041 25,965 340,866 4,410 2,748 7,205 6.40
Michigan 1,006,553 491,495 341,714 76,111 909,320 22,229 5,393 97,233 14.25
Northwestern University Libraries 101,343 33,766 29,736 2,241 99,942 1,871 1,528 1,401 4.75
Oberlin College 65,516 29,544 5,990 66 63,440 1,556 53 2,076 4.00
Ohio State 1,252,293 156,466 148,965 10,377 316,006 1,881 1,189 936,287 5.85
Wisconsin-Madison 383,738 211,542 95,987 8,591 373,845 9,967 1,150 9,893 3.70
Number of Institutions: 9 4,507,389 1,899,474 1,071,184 248,997 3,393,723 61,917 17,109 1,113,666 57.95

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.