CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in East-North-Central, Year 2022

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2022
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
Chicago 982,570 563,246 262,905 98,564 925,114 8,324 79,538 57,456 12.00
Illinois-Urbana 396,180 259,188 103,868 30,915 395,625 6,572 907 555 4.70
Indiana 355,405 176,317 91,850 27,389 349,083 2,959 2,682 6,322 6.30
Michigan 1,053,402 512,502 358,440 92,694 963,636 15,954 5,572 89,766 13.40
Northwestern University Libraries 106,380 35,203 30,070 2,534 104,903 2,990 1,638 1,477 1.75
Oberlin College 71,005 34,371 6,289 116 68,866 1,199 40 2,139 3.00
Ohio State 1,355,212 158,349 151,241 11,661 311,900 28,574 1,156 1,043,312 7.40
Wisconsin-Madison 509,637 250,696 110,511 13,257 498,611 45,395 17,171 11,026 6.25
Number of Institutions: 8 4,829,791 1,990,238 1,115,566 277,144 3,617,738 111,967 108,704 1,212,053 54.80

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.