CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Pacific, Year 2019

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2019
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
California, Berkeley 1,301,872 616,829 434,874 127,448 1,204,027 13,039 2,212 97,845 19.80
California, Irvine 130,606 79,574 30,778 15,274 125,626 6,733 87 4,980 3.33
California, Los Angeles 1,045,744 381,443 213,643 72,581 723,804 11,203 1,735 321,940 11.00
California, Riverside 79,649 50,267 6,304 2,866 76,742 57 215 2,907 0.75
California, San Diego 261,588 78,742 73,756 11,164 221,617 4,107 636 39,971 3.00
Claremont Colleges Library 51,504 33,132 12,419 1,193 50,991 1,934 100 513 1.84
Hawaii 432,321 175,403 144,417 79,925 399,745 3,842 48 32,576 13.00
Oregon 101,081 51,831 44,191 2,928 98,950 373 125 2,131 3.75
Southern California 251,286 79,183 77,616 94,487 251,286 6,992 0 0 10.50
Stanford 951,528 468,944 262,183 83,311 903,192 19,879 2,478 48,336 19.80
Washington 734,720 321,616 168,829 145,243 677,115 7,748 723 57,605 16.85
Number of Institutions: 11 5,341,899 2,337,060 1,469,298 636,424 4,733,095 75,907 8,359 608,804 103.62

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.