CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Pacific, Year 2021

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2021
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
California, Berkeley 1,320,093 627,168 439,953 130,763 1,223,353 11,569 2,127 96,740 16.40
California, Irvine 132,279 80,407 31,248 15,433 127,088 102 69 5,191 3.00
California, Los Angeles 867,935 394,240 217,996 76,668 745,641 10,332 1,773 122,294 11.50
California, Riverside 78,807 49,412 6,307 2,685 75,888 807 4,542 2,919 1.75
California, San Diego 245,580 81,095 75,258 13,379 228,135 3,935 623 17,445 7.18
Claremont Colleges Library 53,236 33,678 13,299 1,260 52,597 70 12 639 1.43
Hawaii 435,030 178,106 145,906 81,141 405,153 2,191 86 29,877 9.00
Southern California 278,426 82,436 80,643 100,858 263,937 6,326 0 14,489 8.25
Stanford 980,976 482,189 270,033 90,028 932,505 15,904 1,762 48,471 18.05
Washington 725,098 327,259 171,596 147,019 687,435 5,294 11,774 37,663 15.38
Number of Institutions: 10 5,117,460 2,338,942 1,452,357 659,862 4,741,732 56,530 22,768 375,728 91.94

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.