CEAL Statistics Data [Quick view]

Data from Institutions in Pacific, Year 2022

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Statistical Data on East Asian Institutions as of June 30, 2022
Institution Grand Total Materials Held CHN JPN KOR Total Added Serial Titles Other Materials Held (*1) Personnel Support
California, Berkeley 1,333,895 634,930 443,809 132,424 1,236,961 13,608 2,056 96,934 17.80
California, Irvine 133,080 80,673 31,566 15,531 127,770 873 78 5,310 2.75
California, Los Angeles 872,947 396,632 219,222 78,008 750,599 4,958 1,773 122,348 10.50
California, Riverside 79,321 50,030 6,338 2,771 76,623 735 6,013 2,698 1.50
California, San Diego 249,397 82,359 76,639 14,425 231,826 3,691 4,024 17,571 6.19
Claremont Colleges Library 57,592 36,000 14,993 1,278 56,956 4,406 90 636 2.01
Hawaii 437,691 179,108 146,608 82,080 407,796 2,643 86 29,895 7.75
Southern California 278,999 83,009 80,643 100,858 264,510 573 0 14,489 9.00
Stanford 996,900 489,493 274,923 92,806 948,305 15,800 1,706 48,595 17.55
Washington 729,034 330,116 172,813 148,639 692,971 7,979 11,726 36,063 17.50
Number of Institutions: 10 5,168,856 2,365,390 1,468,340 669,544 4,794,317 55,266 27,552 374,539 92.55

Note: Grand Total Materials is calculated with E-Books being counted as volumes.